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Alumni Award Recipients


Every year at homecoming, during the alumni dinner, Geneva College recognizes some of its alumni who have shown exceptional service to the college, community, and God. 可以颁发三种特定类型的奖项.  


This year, Joshua M. 19岁,23岁,Michael R. Kearney '17, Rebekah M. Locke '20, 22届MBA均获得了青年校友奖, which recognizes alumni who have graduated from Geneva within the past ten years and are demonstrating outstanding service and leadership in their church, career, and community. 

standard-webpage-in-text-image.jpgJoshua M. Ehko 在新濠天地app新濠天地app了八年. 他是其中四所学校的学生, 然后,在获得小学和特殊教育本科学位后, he and his wife returned to Geneva so he could work on his Master of Arts in Higher Education while he was the Resident Director of Pearce Hall. Ehko现在在新濠天地app的学生成功中心担任学生成功教练. While Ehko is on the job he enjoys meeting with students and mentoring young men through conversations and shared experiences. He is passionate about relationships and strives to support those around him to the best of his ability. He is thankful for the ways the Lord has gifted him and desires to continue serving Him through these passions. 

standard-webpage-in-text-image-1.jpgMichael R. Kearney 2017年毕业于传播学专业, and since then briefly worked for Geneva’s Institutional Advancement office after graduating and served a term on the Alumni Council. He is currently a PhD student and graduate teaching and research assistant in the Department of Communication & 杜肯大学修辞学专业. 他发表了八篇学术论文, three book chapters, 会议论文集中的一篇论文, and one co-authored book. He received Top Student Paper awards from the Pennsylvania Communication Association and the Eastern Communication Association, 宗教传播协会颁发的2022年度文章奖, 以及东方传播协会2023年百年奖学金. Kearney also serves on the board of Reformed Fellowship and on the Program Committee for the Pittsburgh chapter of the American Guild of Organists. 

standard-webpage-in-text-image-2.jpgRebekah M. Locke, 2020年毕业,获得圣经研究学位, 开始在新濠天地app全职担任招生顾问. 在此期间,她于2022年获得新濠天地app新濠天地appMBA学位. 在这个职位上工作了两年半之后, she transitioned into her current position as an Associate Director of Program and Institutional Engagement at Portage Learning, 让她有机会在高等教育领域更广泛地工作. She also works part-time as a Network Pastor at Crossroads Church—Cranberry Campus where she works in ministry and invests in her church family. 丽贝卡计划在2024年开始她的硕士学位. 

 Alumni Award Recipients 

Noah M. Bailey '06, Shaka J. 西德诺10年,马赫12年,布莱恩R. 沃尔夫98年获得校友奖, 授予对神和邻舍忠心服务的校友, servant-leadership, and achievement in their career while embodying the values of unchanging biblical truth in a complex and changing society. 

Noah M. Bailey 我本来不打算上新濠天地app新濠天地app. 他期待着去新兵训练营, but after a shoulder injury, 他决定和高中时的恋人上同一所大学. 他最终获得了基督教事工和历史的双学位,辅修了哲学. After Geneva, Bailey got a Master of Divinity from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. 从神新濠天地app毕业后,贝利和他的妻子在俄克拉何马州的伊尼德建立了一座教堂. 接下来的八年里,他们帮助在德克萨斯州、堪萨斯州、怀俄明州和科罗拉多州建立RP教会. They returned to the northeast when he agreed to be the pastor of First RP Church of Cambridge, MA. 当他们不在家教育孩子的时候, 他们把业余时间用散步之类的爱好填满, hiking, cycling, coffee drinking, 建立一个对话社区, 阅读和收藏书籍. 

standard-webpage-in-text-image-3.jpgShaka Sydnor graduated from Geneva in 2010 with a communication degree as a first-generation college student. After graduating, Sydnor got his Master of Arts in Higher Education degree in 2012 from Geneva while serving as a graduate assistant for multicultural student services. After graduating, he worked at the University of North Carolina at Asheville as a Community Director.  Then, he decided to work alongside his wife running a transitional living program called Cornerstone, 为遭受性侵的女性提供服务, 给他们一个安全的地方生活,重新站稳脚跟. After Cornerstone, Sydnor served as a Residence Hall Director and Area Coordinator at the University of Cincinnati. Then he moved back home to Virginia to be the Assistant Dean of Students at the University of Virginia. Currently, he is serving as the Associate Dean of Students and Director of the Dean of Students office at Virginia Tech. 

Dr. Bryan Wolfe 1998年毕业于新濠天地app新濠天地app,获得学生事工学位. After graduation, he was involved in church-based student ministries for six years before transitioning to the world of education. Bryan’s change in career path led him to pursue a master’s degree from Trinity International University, 随后在大峡谷大学获得教育领导学博士学位. 布莱恩曾担任威斯敏斯特基督教新濠天地app(迈阿密)的学生主任, FL), 檀香山三一基督高中校长, HI), and most recently, 温斯顿塞勒姆基督教学校(温斯顿塞勒姆)校长, NC) for the past ten years. Most notably, Bryan led WSCS in the transition from a church-run school to an independent Christian school that serves six continents and twenty-two countries around the world. The growth and development of WSCS has been a blessing that has impacted the local community in Winston-Salem.  


Finally, the Distinguished Service Award is presented each year to alumni of Geneva College for service above self, 谁体现了新濠天地app新濠天地app所代表的原则, 他们的努力代表着学校, the community, 这个国家一直是典范. 今年,该奖项颁给了马克. 77年,沃尔特·穆勒三世,埃德.D. '78, and Robert E. Shaw '85. 

standard-webpage-in-text-image-4.jpgMark W. Fiscus graduated from Geneva in 1977 with a degree in elementary education and an instructional 1 teaching certificate for Pennsylvania. 毕业后,马克在米德尔敦基督教学校开始了他的教师生涯. In 1989, Mark completed his master’s degree in educational leadership from National Louis University. After graduating, he worked in construction until he earned his Pennsylvania 2 teaching certificate and Principal’s Certificate for Pennsylvania. Currently, Mark is in his 34th 在西法洛菲尔德基督教学校担任中学协调员和教师. Mark has taught multiple subjects and led thousands of young learners in the way of the Lord. 马克的生活充满了领导阵营, coaching multiple sports, 带领基督教服务大队的年轻人, 执教冠军环境队, mentoring young teachers, and leading missions trips. He is an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and a member of Stillwaters PCA.   

standard-webpage-in-text-image-5.jpgWalter Mueller III, ’78, EdD majored in Sociology. After graduation, 沃尔特在基督教外展联盟工作, 做校园及青年事工. He went on to graduate from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and served as the Youth Pastor at the Supplee Presbyterian Church. 然后,他感到被召唤去发起“父母/青少年理解中心”的事工, an organization working to equip parents and youth workers in their efforts to nurture children for a lifetime of Christian discipleship. 他写了十本关于青年文化和事工的书 Youth Culture Today and Youth Culture Matters podcasts, 为期刊和期刊撰稿, 接受过主要新闻媒体的采访吗, 定期在会议上发言, 并在多家机构教授青年文化课程. 他目前是加拿大卓越青年事工联盟的教员, 以及戈登-康威尔神新濠天地app的牧师博士.  

Robert E. Shaw 1985年毕业,工商管理和经济学双学位. 毕业后,他去了RR Donnelley公司工作 & Sons是北美最大的商业印刷商. 他从区域销售做起,15年后成为高级销售经理. 业务部门的副总裁. 随后,他转行到硅谷从事技术工作, 成为IT网络可视性和安全市场上一家初创公司的首席执行官. 肖的公司被成功收购了, 他仍然是许多初创企业的投资者和董事会成员. Shaw and his wife of 35 years, Deb, are the Co-founders of Champion the Challenges Organization. Their nonprofit foundation is focused on helping stroke survivors and their families access all the cutting-edge technologies and services for those who, like Deb, have survived a stroke. 肖认为,新濠天地app帮助他走上了正确的道路,并开阔了思路.   

All nine of these godly, 积极进取的人们向世界展示了新濠天地app新濠天地app及其价值观. They have diligently served God in a variety of ways, something Geneva wishes for all their students. They earned through their hard work and dedication the recognition that they received through these awards. 


-Anna Eshelman '24

Oct 20, 2023

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